Keynote speakers

Inge Li Gørtz (Technical University of Denmark, Denmark)

Inge Li Gørtz photo Photo: Bax Lindhardt

Title: TBA



Nicola Prezza (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy)

Nicola Prezza photo

Title: Suffixient Arrays: a new Efficient Suffix Array Compression Technique


Compressed Suffix Arrays (CSA) have been introduced to reduce the space usage of classic Suffix Arrays (SA), but at a big price: very poor cache locality at query time. In practice, this translates to the fact that CSA are orders of magnitude slower than Suffix Arrays. In this talk, I will propose a simple and surprisingly efficient solution to this problem by showing that binary search is still possible on a tiny sample of the Suffix Array: the Suffixient Array (sA). The length of sA is never larger - and in some cases is asymptotically smaller - than the number of runs in the Burrows-Wheeler Transform (BWT), a powerful repetitiveness measure. Moreover, sA can be computed in linear time and compressed working space and a sequence of simple binary searches on sA allows one to solve pattern matching queries with near-optimal worst-case I/O complexity. In practice, on repetitive DNA collections sA is simultaneously (i) faster and orders of magnitudes smaller than SA and (ii) smaller and orders of magnitude faster than the r-index (the state-of-the-art CSA for highly repetitive data). These results should come at no surprise: the BWT is the I/O bottleneck of CSA. To recover the time-efficiency of Suffix Arrays, it is suffi(x)ient to completely remove the BWT and replace it with binary search on a plain array (sA).

Based on joint work with Davide Cenzato, Lore Depuydt, Travis Gagie, Sung-Hwan Kim, Giovanni Manzini, and Francisco Olivares.

Kunihiko Sadakane (The University of Tokyo, Japan)

Kunihiko Sadakane photo

Title:  Compressed Suffix Arrays and Suffix Trees Revisited


Compressed suffix arrays and compressed suffix trees [Grossi, Vitter 2000, 2005] are compressed data structures for string matching. These are linear space (O(n log sigma) bits) data structures where n is the length of the input string and sigma is the alphabet size, which are smaller than the traditional suffix arrays and suffix trees using O(n log n) bit space. Compressed suffix trees and arrays are extended to have more functionalities [Sadakane 2003, 2007]. In this talk, we review these data structures and show further extensions.