

Foreign exchange can be performed at banks, larger post offices and ATMs at airports. Credit cards (Visa and Matrercard) are accepted at major stores, shops, and restaurants.
It is uncommon to find places that only accept payment in cash.

Tap water

Tap water is safe to drink.


Service charges are always included in the final price, so there is no need to tip separately.




The streets in Milan are usually safe. You should however exercise standard caution, as you would do in any large city especially around the very crowded areas. In the case of an emergency, dial the all-purpose emergency number 112.

Public transportation

Subway: We recommend using the subway to get around in Milan. The
closest subway station is Bicocca (MM5 line).

You can take the subway with your contactless credit card. This is probably the easiest and simplest way to use the subway:


If you need information for a taxi, please visit the following website:
Most taxis accept credit card payment, but we suggest to ask for a
confirmation before starting the trip.


Mid June in Milan can be hot and humid.

Things to do

For things to do in Miln, visit the following official website by the city of Milan:



There are several vegetarian/vegan friendly restaurants in Milan, just inform the waiter.